Data & Technology

Download the CDE Foster Youth Definitions document and see additional information on the definitions tab of the CDE webpage.

Web Links

CDE: Foster Youth in California Schools

Information, resources, and education outcomes for students in foster careDownloadable foster youth definitions document

Foster Youth Enrollment by School Type Data

Downloadable data file of unduplicated cumulative enrollment for foster youth by school type at the county and state levels

CALPADS UPC Source File (K–12)

Downloadable data files of the Unduplicated Pupil Count (UPC). Counts are used for LCFF supplemental and concentration funds, and FYSCP grant funds (along with the number of districts).

CALPADS Resources & Login

CA Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) is the Statewide Education Data System


Statewide Education Data Reporting Tool (including state, county, and LEA reports)

California School Dashboard

Statewide Education Accountability Tool (including state and LEA outcomes)

California School Dashboard Additional Reports and Data

View reports for all districts within a county

California Child Welfare Indicators Project (CCWIP)

Data and Technical Assistance to Promote Child Welfare System Improvement

California School Directory

Information about California Public and Private Schools (including nonpublic nonsectarian schools, school districts, and county offices of education)


Fiscal Demographic, and Performance Data on California’s K-12 Schools

CDE: COVID-19 Accountability FAQs

CDE: COVID-19 Data and Reporting

Information regarding education data related to the 2020-21 academic year

Foster Youth Data in CALPADS

Foster Identification and Data Systems Overview (2019)

Statewide Foster Youth Match Process Handout (2019)

CSIS Training Video: Foster Youth in CALPADS

This content is based on CALPADS foster match functionality as of 2014–15

CSIS Training Video: Foster Youth Local Match in CALPADS

This content is based on CALPADS foster match functionality as of 201415

Documents & Webinars

CA Information Sharing Guide for LEAs and FYSCPs (2022)

Educational Information Sharing for Students in Foster Care-What School Staff Needs to Know TAP and the American Bar Association

California School Dashboard Technical Guide 2023

Search by "foster" 

Data Crosswalk

Differences in the way that data are produced for DataQuest and the California School Dashboard

Differences between the CA School Dashboard and DataQuest

Differences in filtering, aggregation, minimum population size and results for specific indicators

Accessing Public Data on the CDE Webpage (Download)

CDE: DataQuest and California School Dashboard

State and County FY Education Data Guide

Navigation instructions and reporting parameters for DataQuest/CALPADS FY dataUpdated 1.12.2021

Accessing Stability Rate Reports for FY on the CDE Webpage

Navigation instructions for the Stability Report on DataQuest

Exploring the CA School Dashboard and DataQuest (January 27, 2021)

What is the definition of foster youth used for LCFF and related foster data?

Download the CDE Foster Youth Definitions document and see additional information on the definitions tab of the CDE webpage.

Pursuant to EC § 42238.01(b), the following children and youth are considered “foster youth” for purposes of the LCFF:

Since tribal foster youth are not under the jurisdiction of the California juvenile court system, and their information is not collected on a statewide level, nor will such information be collected in the future, it will fall to Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) to collect this information at the local level and report it to the California Department of Education (CDE).   Go to the Tribal Youth Foster Youth page for additional guidance.

The LCFF definition of a pupil in foster care does NOT include a child or youth who:

How are students identified as foster for CALPADS, DataQuest, and the CA School Dashboard?

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) is the authoritative source for identifying foster youth. CDSS is required to provide the California Department of Education (CDE) with information sufficient to identify pupils in foster care (EC § 42238.01(b)). In order to meet this requirement, CDSS provides data extracts from their CWS/CMS data system to the CDE weekly. The data extracts are matched to records in CALPADS, the statewide education data system.  This process is commonly referred to as the CALPADS foster match.

County Offices of Education and Local Education Agencies can identify individual foster youth via CALPADS foster reports.  A pupil must be included in the most recent CDSS extracts AND have a current school enrollment in CALPADS in order to be included on the CALPADS 5.7 foster reports.

The foster youth status populated in Local Education Agency (LEA) student information systems (SIS) does NOT determine the foster status in CALPADS. Instead, CDSS informs CALPADS foster identification via foster match process, and CALPADS informs LEAs via foster reports. LEAs should review the CALPADS foster reports regularly in order to maintain foster youth status data in their local SIS.  Other local data systems and procedures may also be utilized to support foster youth identification.

The CALPADS foster match process is also used to inform foster data available in DataQuest and on the California School Dashboard.  Beginning with the 2020–21 school year, the reports on DataQuest and the California School Dashboard include tribal foster youth with the exception of the DataQuest "Foster Student Data" group of reports.  This report group is specific to CDSS youth identified in the foster match.  For more information on tribal youth identification go to the Tribal Youth page.


What is the CALPADS Local Foster Match?

The California Department of Social Services provides data extracts from their CWS/CMS data system to the California Department of Education (CDE) weekly. These data extracts are matched to records in CALPADS, the state education data system.  This process is commonly referred to as the CALPADS foster match and is used to determine which youth are identified and counted as foster in CALPADS, DataQuest, and the California School Dashboard. Some records in the CDSS data extracts cannot be successfully matched to a record in CALPADS due to discrepancies in demographic and residence data. When this occurs, education agencies may locally match a record in CALPADS using unique student identifiers from CWS/CMS and CALPADS. 

Records that are not included in the CDSS data extracts cannot be locally matched in CALPADS because there is no CDSS data in the extracts to complete the match. When this occurs, school districts and county offices of education may work with the local child welfare or probation agency to confirm foster status and request an update CWS/CMS if needed.

County offices of education and school districts may also establish local data systems or notification procedures to reconcile CALPADS foster match data and track LCFF foster youth as needed. This typically requires a partnership with the child welfare and/or probation agency.
