Child & Family Team Meetings
A CFT is a group of individuals that includes the child or youth, family members, professionals, natural community supports, and other individuals identified by the family who are invested in the child, youth, and family’s success. The CFT composition always includes the child or youth, family members, the current caregiver, a representative from the placing agency, and other individuals identified by the family as being important. A CFT shall also include a representative of the child or youth’s tribe or Indian custodian, behavioral health staff, foster family agency social worker, or short-term residential therapeutic program (STRTP) representative, when applicable. Other professionals that may be included are: youth or parent partners, public health providers, Court Appointed Special Advocates, school personnel, or others.
CDSS Letters & Notices
ACIN I-71-18 (November 9, 2018)
Using Team Meetings To Increase Cross-system Collaboration Between Local Child Welfare And Education Agencies (LEAs)Requirements And Guidelines For Creating And Providing A Child And Family Team