Program Plan & Budget/Fiscal

Program plan and budget inquiries should be sent directly to the California Department of Education Integrated Student Support & Programs Office.


2024-27 FYSCP Program Plan

2021-24 FYSCP Program Plan and Budget

Includes Word and PDF versions of the FYSCP Program Plan and Budget Template

FYSCP Fiscal Resource Guide 

CDE guidance updated April 2023

FYSCP Fiscal Forms

This page contains documents necessary to report fiscal information as required by Foster Youth Services grants. 

FYSCP Needs Assessment Samples for Local Use

2020 Budget Act/SB 98 and Foster Youth

CDE Guidance August 2020

How is FYSCP funding determined?

The FYSCP funding formula is based on the number of pupils in foster care in the county on census day, and the number of school districts in the county. The Unduplicated Pupil Count (UPC) is used to determine the number of pupils in foster care and is typically posted on the CALPADS UPC Source File web page in the spring. CALPADS Fall 1 certified census day enrollment data may be used to estimate the number of pupils in foster care for funding purposes if the current year UPC is not yet available.  Census day enrollment reports are available on DataQuest.

What is the FYSCP Program Plan?

The program plan is completed for each FYSCP three-year grant cycle and is updated, as necessary, to align with the needs assessment and program budget. Grant and program plan information is located on the CDE Foster Youth Services web page

What is the FYSCP Needs Assessment?

The purpose of the FYSCP is to increase the overall capacity of the education community in counties, to expand access to services, and assist LEAs in the delivery of direct services for foster youth with the goal of improving educational outcomes.

In order to ensure that each FYSCP creates a program plan that aligns with the needs of the students and stakeholders in their jurisdiction based on the unique and local needs, each COE conducts a needs assessment. This can be done as often as necessary and informs the plan and budget of the FYSCP.

How does a needs assessment work to drive your FYSCP Program Plan?

A needs assessment will help identify and prioritize the local needs of your students and stakeholders. This will drive how you will meet those needs as described in your program plan. You will connect the supports, services and staffing included in your program plan based on how they were identified in the needs assessment.

Approved November 2022

Do you have to do a needs assessment every year or at the beginning of each year?

While a needs assessment is not required annually, it is a good practice in order to ensure that all needs are identified and prioritized as required in education code 42921.

Approved November 2022

What do we need an FYSCP direct service waiver for?

In order to utilize FYSCP funding to provide tutoring, mentoring or counseling, the LEA’s Superintendent or designee must sign a waiver. Providing these services utilizing AB 130 funds does not require a waiver be signed. 

Approved November 2022

Can we use FYSCP funds to contract with an agency to provide tutoring, mentoring, or counseling services? 

Yes, If the services provided meet the mandates of EC 42921-42925 and are authorized by CDE. When using FYSCP funds to provide tutoring, mentoring, or counseling a direct service waiver is required.

Approved November 2022

Can a portion of a districtwide intervention program (used by foster youth but also the whole student population) be paid for with FYSCP grant funds?

Districtwide interventions should be funded utilizing LCFF or Title I funds. FYSCP funds can only be used to support students in foster care.

Approved November 2022

Can we use FYSCP funds for co-located staff members?

Yes, FYSCPs can co-fund staff and these staff can be co-located in LEAs, child welfare offices, probation departments, etc. These would be local decisions.

Approved November 2022

How can a position be funded and how do you collaborate to multi-fund/braid funding to create a position?

There are a variety of funding streams that can be used to fund positions in addition to FYSCP funds. These should be discussed at a local level since accountability will vary for the stakeholders based on the funding stream. Some possible funding sources include but are not limited to:

Approved November 2022

What funding sources are available in Child Welfare & Education and how can those funds be used collaboratively and separately?

There are a variety of funding streams. These should be discussed at a local level since accountability will vary for the stakeholders based on the funding stream. How funding can be spent is dependent on the funding source. Some possible funding sources include but are not limited to:

 Approved November 2022

Are there any non-federal funds that can be used to match the funds other than FYSCP funds (i.e., local funding including CSEC, Homeless, or ILP funds)? 

ILP Funds are federal funds as are Homeless Ed. There are numerous funding sources for CSEC services, and each may have different funding streams. Therefore, this must be looked at with local child welfare partners. The child welfare authority draws down these funds and has the audit and reporting burden so they would drive this process.

 Approved November 2022