System of Care for Children and Youth
Information Library
AB 2083
This page was created to assist FYSCP coordinators, school district foster youth liaisons and other partners in finding information that is pertinent to the required county AB 2083 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and the implementation of that MOU. The information and materials included have not been endorsed by the California Department of Education (aside from guidance documents provided by the CDE directly) or the FYSCP Technical Assistance Program (TAP).
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MOU Part 1: Interagency Leadership Team (ILT)
Realizing One Integrated System of Care for Children
Identifies the steps necessary to realize an integrated system of care, reviews two concurrent approaches, and makes recommendations—including specifying policy reforms that would promote interagency collaboration, integration, service delivery, and improved outcomes for California’s children, both with and without disabilities.California Social Work Education Center (CalSWEC)
Nation's largest statewide coalition of social work educators and practitioners.Brief from the Child Welfare Information Gateway providing resources.Resource Center for Family Focused Practice
Provides research, custom and standardized training, technical support, symposia and support services with the goal of integrating practice approaches to improve outcomes for children and families.Effective Strategies for Expanding the System of Care Approach
Outlines strategies for expanding and sustaining Children's Systems of Care.A Framework for System Reform in Children's Mental Health
Issue brief that contains strategies for improving the system of care and its effectiveness.Return on Investment in Systems of Care
Outlines the financial benefits to all partners and agencies when System of Care is effectively designed and delivered.Shared Leadership Toward One Child, One Family, One Plan Webinar (April 21, 2021)
Breaking Barriers California 2021 System of Care Masterclass SeriesMOU Part 2: Integrated Core Practice Model Resources
ACIN I-21-24 (August 10, 2024)
The California Children, Youth, And Families Integrated Core Practice Model And The California Integrated Training GuideThe Integrated Core Practice Model (ICPM)
The California ICPM for Children, Youth, and Families is a guide for effective service delivery within the trauma-informed Children and Youth System of Care (CYSOC) mandated by AB 2083A blueprint for workforce development that is integral to the implementation of California’s ICPM for Children, Youth, and Families (ICPM) and the trauma-informed System of CareCalifornia Child Welfare Core Practice Model
Web page from the California Social Work Education Center providing information on the California Practice Model, Child Welfare Directors Institute, Implementation Planning, Implementation Toolkit, and reference materials.Direct Practice Tools for Social Workers
This toolkit section contains tools for direct practice with children/youth, families, and their networks.MOU Part 3: Data Information Sharing
Joint Guidance on the Application of the FERPA and the HIPAA to Student Health Records - 2019 Update
Explains the relationship between the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) statute and implementing regulations and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Privacy Rule. Updates and expands on prior guidance to help address potential confusion on the part of school administrators, health care professionals, and others on how FERPA and HIPAA apply to records maintained on students.A NIC Deeper Dive Webinar: Getting to Yes on Privacy & Confidentiality
Webinar on drafting a memorandum of understanding for data and information sharing.Informs county child welfare and juvenile probation departments that the California Department of Social Services continues to share child-specific data about foster youth with the California Department of Education (CDE). The CDE matches this information with school enrollment data, in order to identify foster youth for Local Education Agencies (LEAs) attending their schools so that the LEAs may, in turn, provide supportive educational services to them.All County Information Notice No. 1-77-16
Informs county child welfare and juvenile probation departments that the California Department of Social Services, California Department of Education, and the Bureau of Children’s Justice at the California Department of Justice jointly prepared the attached letter entitled “Dear Colleague: Joint Guidance Foster Youth Information-Sharing” to summarize existing federal and state laws that permit, and sometimes require, the sharing of information and records between local education agencies, child welfare agencies, and foster caregivers in a way that is both lawful and appropriate to ensure that foster youth receive appropriate supports and services to address their needs under the Local Control and Funding Formula.Joint guidance from the CA Department of Justice and the CA Health and Human Services Agency to clarify conditions under which public social services agencies are permitted to use data matching to share client personally identifiable information with or without prior authorization from the client.Overview of FERPA and implications to both research and data sharing.Sharing Information from Juvenile Agency Files Regarding Children in Foster Care
Judicial Council briefing on information sharing from December 2019A California Guide for Sharing Student Health and Education Information
Tool to help determine whether HIPAA or FERPA is the relevant federal law and what it means for the exchange of informationShared Data Toward One Child, One Family, One Plan Webinar (June 16, 2021)
Breaking Barriers California 2021 System of Care Masterclass SeriesMOU Part 4: Assessment Entry to Care
Foster Youth Education Toolkit
Provides information on the education rights of foster youth along with step-by-step procedures to ensure foster youth receive the full benefit of laws designed to protect them. Includes easy-to-use implementation tools.Joint Clarification Sharing the CANS AssessmentIntegrated Core Practice Model Primer Assessment
A short YouTube video, sponsored by DHCS and CDSS, on the value of connected and integrated Assessment and Screening as informed by the ICPM.Best Practices in Social, Emotional and Behavioral Screening: A Practice Guide
National best practice guide on implementation of shared social, emotional, and behavioral screening.Praed Foundation Assessment Toolkit
Resource page contains a host of tools in support of screening and assessment, including the nationally normed CANS implementation tool.Experiences from a four-year partnership built between Network participants, and the Alliance for Children’s Rights staff working with youth in foster care in Los Angeles County and on systems change issues across the state.MOU Part 5: Child Family Teams
All County Information Notice No. 1-71-18 (November 9, 2018)
Using Team Meetings to Increase Cross-system Collaboration Between Local Child Welfare and Education Agencies (LEAs)All County Letter No. 16-84 (October 7, 2016)
Requirements and Guidelines for Providing a Child and Family Team MeetingAll County Letter No. 21-114 (September 30, 2021)
Court Review And Case Plan Requirements for Placements In Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Programs under California's Implementation of the Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) via Assembly Bill 153, Chapter 86, Statutes Of 2021.All County Letter No. 21-113 (September 30, 2021)
Assessments By A Qualified Individual (QI) for Placements In Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Programs (STRTPs) under the Requirements of the Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) and Assembly Bill (AB) 153 (CHAPTER 86, STATUTES OF 2021)All County Letter No. 18-09 (January 25, 2018)
Requirements for implementing the child and adolescent needs and strengths assessment tool within a child and family teamUpdates To CWS/CMS Functionality And New Documentation Requirements Regarding Child Participation During Child And Family Team (CFT) Meetings
Contains guidance, forms and other resources which support effective implementation of teaming and CANS in California
MOU Part 6: Interagency Placement Committee (IPC)
State AB 2083 TA Webinar on IPC
March 2021 State TA webinar for Interagency Placement.MOU Part 7: Alignment and Coordination of Services
New Directions for School Improvement Policy
Discusses the necessity of expanding school improvement policy and practice in order to meet the growing challenges related to reducing the achievement and opportunity gaps. Relatedly, an expanded school accountability framework is outlined, and the importance of adopting a set of standards for student/learning supports is emphasized.California Children's Trust Presentation providing insight on how to coordinate health services with and through schools.Addresses school of origin, transportation, and notification requirements when placement changes occur.Los Angeles County Foster Youth Benefit and Entitlement Charts
Charts providing a comprehensive resource of foster-youth benefits to assist youth and caregivers, particularly when making permanency decisions.Court Companion to the Foster Youth Education Toolkit
Supports multi-agency collaboration by offering comprehensive information on the education rights of foster/probation youth along with step-by-step procedures and easy-to use implementation tools for the needs of the parties who work with youth, other than school districts.Toolkit for Foster Youth Education Success Under Local Control Funding Formula April 30, 2015
Webinar slidesCFYETF California Foster Youth Education Law Fact Sheets (January 2025)
Seven fact sheets ranging from school stability to transition services to support college and career.Independent Living Program (ILP) for Non-Related GuardianshipsExtending Foster Care Beyond Age 18All County Information Notice No. I-28-99
Wraparound ServicesUpdated Standards For California Wraparound Services Provides information on the Active Supportive Intervention Services for Transition (ASIST) program to assist youth from residential to family-based settings.Educational Stability and Best Interest Determination Joint Guidance Letter
This joint guidance document between the California Department of Education (CDE) and the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) is intended to provide local educational agencies (LEAs), child welfare agencies, and probation departments with guidance corresponding to conducting a best interest determination (BID).Foster Youth in California Schools
Web page provides information and resources related to foster youth in schools including; foster youth definitions, educational data and outcomes, and other resources.School of Origin Transportation for Youth in Foster Care
Strategies and tips from the CA Foster Youth Education Task Force November 2021MOU Part 8: Recruitment and Training
California Social Work Education Center: Training, Coaching, and Transfer of Learning Tools
Web page; provides training and coaching resources for system of care.Supports cross-system practice and service delivery by providing guidance and recommendations about a series of trainings that advance collaboration among child and family service agencies, affiliated human service organizations, families, tribes, and related support networks.Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration
Practitioner training web page.MOU Part 9: Finance and Resource Sharing
California Children's Trust Initiative: Financing New Approaches to Achieve Child Well Being
Fiscal opportunities to initiate and invest in a fundamental re-imagining of how public child-serving systems approach and support children’s social, emotional, mental, and developmental health in California.Whole Family Wellness for Early Childhood: A New Model for Medi-Cal Delivery and Financing
Approach for California to conceptualize, deliver, and fund a system of care for Medi-Cal eligible infants and toddlers that is grounded in family wellness.Practical Guide for Financing Social, Emotional, and Mental Health in Schools
A guide for school district leaders interested in exploring partnerships and accessing Medi-Cal to meet the social, emotional, and mental health needs of students in schools.Use of Title IV - E Funds to Support County Foster Youth Services Coordinating ProgramsAll County Information Notice No. I-77-16
Joint guidance for “Foster Youth Information-Sharing”. Summarizes existing federal and state laws that permit, and sometimes require, the sharing of information and records between local education agencies, child welfare agencies, and foster caregivers in a way that is both lawful and appropriate to ensure that foster youth receive appropriate supports and services to address their needs under the Local Control and Funding Formula.All County Letter No. 21-119 (October 1, 2021)
Guidance related to the provisions of AB 153 (Chapter 86, Statutes of 2021) and the Budget Act of 2021 (Chapter 21, Statutes of 2021) that provide funding for the development of system capacity to ensure the provision of a high-quality continuum of care.Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration
Grants web pageShared Financing Toward One Child, One Family, One Plan Webinar (April 18, 2021)
Breaking Barriers California 2021 System of Care Masterclass SeriesSchool Mental Health 101: A Primer for Medi-Cal Managed Care Plans
National Center for Youth Law report to help facilitate conversations between MCPs, schools, and other partners in implementing the MCP incentive program component of the Children & Youth Behavioral Health Initiative and reaching school-age youth at scale to address the growing mental health crisisMOU Part 10: Dispute Resolution
Special Education Complaint Process
California Department of Education webpage for special education complaints. Includes information of mediation and due process.Alternative Dispute Resolution
California Department of Education letter for alternative dispute resolution.Consumer Rights Complaint Process
Appeals and Complaints; Department of Developmental Services and Regional Centers.Appeals & Complaints: Department of Developmental Services and Regional Centers.Appeals & Complaints: Department of Developmental Services and Regional CentersEarly Start Mediation Conference Request
Appeals & Complaints; Department of Developmental Services and Regional Centers.Early Start Due Process Hearing
Appeals & Complaints; Department of Developmental Services and Regional Centers.Appeals & Complaints; Department of Developmental Services and Regional Centers.Dispute Resolution for Medi-Cal Beneficiaries & the Mental Health Plans (MHPs)Dispute Resolution for Medi-Cal Beneficiaries & the Mental Health Plans (MHPs)The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) has a process on dispute resolution between Medi-Cal providers and the State in accordance with Title 9 of the California Code of Regulations, Chapter 11.California Foster Care Ombudsperson
A neutral and independent office that helps solve problems and complaints about the care, placement, and services of children and youth in foster care.MOU Part 11: Resource Families and Therapeutic Foster Care
All County Information Notice No. I-05-17
Therapeutic Foster Care Model and Parent QualificationsTherapeutic Foster Care Training ToolkitInforms county child welfare agencies and juvenile probation departments of updated guidance related to the operation of the Resource Family Approval (RFA) Program and emergency placements requirements due to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) State of Emergency.Informs County Child Welfare and Probation Departments of recently passed legislation, Assembly Bill 79, and its impact on the Resource Family Approval (RFA) Program.Informs county child welfare agencies, probation departments, Community Care Licensing Division Children’s Residential Program Regional Offices, and Foster Family Agencies of operationalizing the forfeiture by operation of law for current licensed and certified foster family homes, and approved relative caregivers who do not initiate conversion to approval as a Resource Family by December 31, 2020.Therapeutic Foster Care Training Resource Toolkit
Provides information and resources to assist Therapeutic Foster Care (TFC) Agencies (Foster Family Agency or approved TFC provider) in their development of a TFC parent training program.Child Welfare
Family Urgent Response System Youth Resources
California Department of Social Services web page.Family Urgent Response System HUB
California Department of Social Services program web page.Families First Prevention Services Act
California Department of Social Services program web page.California Department of Social Services web page.Website intended to assist our business partners in understanding policies and practices of programs which fall under the authority of the California Department of Social Services.Presentation providing an overview of FFPSA that includes; opportunities and implementation challenges, what counties can do to prepare, CA implementation efforts, and how counties can engage.Family First Prevention Services Act
Web page from the National Conference of State LegislaturesFFPSA Aftercare Guidance Documents
ACL 21-116 (September 30, 2021)
FFPSA Part IV Aftercare Requirements- ACL 21-116 (Attachment A) Wraparound County Plan Template
- ACL 21-116 (Attachment B) Wraparound CWS/CMS Documentation
All County Letter No. 21-113 (September 30, 2021)
Assessments by A Qualified Individual (QI) for Placements In Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Programs (STRTPs) under the Requirements of the Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) and Assembly Bill (AB) 153 (CHAPTER 86, STATUTES OF 2021)- ACL 21-113 (Attachment): Importing a File Guide
- ACL 21-113 (Attachment): QI Assessment Report
- ACL 21-113 (Attachment): Qualified Individual Referral Form
21st Century Community Learning Centers
Federal grant funds to provide opportunities for communities to establish or expand activities that focus on: Improved academic achievement; Enrichment services that reinforce and complement the academic program, and; Family literacy and related educational development servicesAfter School Education & Safety Program
Provides funds to schools and districts that to provide safe and educationally enriching alternatives for children and youths during non-school hours.Information and resources to serve the unique needs of persons with disabilities so that each person will meet or exceed high standards of achievement in academic and nonacademic skills.Family Involvement & Partnerships
Resources and support for parents, guardians, and families of children with disabilities.Resources and guidelines to assist youth with disabilities as they transition from school to adult life, including education and training, employment and independent living.Services and Resources for Students with Disabilities
Programs and services available to students with disabilities, publications, training and technical assistance opportunities, and recruitment resources and materials.Special Education Director's Official Letters
From the state Director of Special Education providing program clarification on procedural and/or implementation issues.Special Education Announcements and Current Issues
Announcements and Current Issues - Current and upcoming events, time-sensitive issues, and hot topics. Including but not limited to Surrogate Parents, COVID - 19, Restraint and Seclusion, Dyslexia, Behavioral Intervention Plans, and Transition of Special Education and Related Services Previously Provided by County Mental Health Agencies (AB 114).California Department of Education program web page.Provides administrative oversight and support to three State Special Schools and three Diagnostic Centers in California.
Career Technical Education Program
A program of study that involves a multiyear sequence of courses that integrates core academic knowledge with technical and occupational knowledge to provide students with a pathway to postsecondary education and careers.Regional Occupational Centers and Programs (ROCP)
Career and workforce preparation for high school students and adults, preparation for advanced training, and the upgrading of existing skills.California Partnership Academies
Grant program that uses three-year program (grades ten-twelve) structured as a school-within-a-school. Academies incorporate integrated academic and career technical education, business partnerships, mentoring, and internships.Specialized Secondary Programs (SSP)
Grant funds may be used for programs that provide students with advanced learning opportunities in a variety of subjects. Although these programs retain a core course work element within the approved curriculum, they may specialize in such areas as English-language arts, mathematics, science, history and social science, foreign language, and the visual performing arts.Supports local educational agencies, grades nine through twelve, to improve student achievement and transition to postsecondary education and careers. Provides information on graduation requirements, Career and College Readiness, Career Technical Education, Programs for Special Populations (i.e. AVID, Advanced Placement, GATE), and Current Resources for Educators (service learning and class size reduction).Alternative Schools and Programs of Choice
Provides different means of attaining the objectives of regular education and meeting students' needs; voluntary for districts, teachers, students, and their parents.Serve high-risk youths, including those referred by expulsion, probation, or a School Attendance Review Board; provide challenging academic curriculum; and develop pro-social skills and resiliency.Serves students sixteen years of age and older who have not graduated from high school, are at risk of not graduating, and are not exempt from compulsory school attendance.Serves students who are referred by a parent or a School Attendance Review Board, paroled, on probation, expelled, homeless, or not attending school.Countywide Plans for Expelled Students
County superintendents, and superintendents of the districts within the county, develop countywide plans for providing educational services to all expelled pupils.Serves students fifteen years of age and older who have not reached their potential in a traditional secondary school setting and are at risk of not graduating from high school.Information on the District of Choice program, which allows local educational agencies (LEAs) to accept student transfers under the "District of Choice" provisions.School districts provide home and hospital instruction to maintain instructional continuity during a student's temporary disability.A voluntary alternative instructional strategy for providing regular education; available from kindergarten through adult education.Serve students under the protection or authority of the juvenile court system and incarcerated in juvenile halls, homes, ranches, camps, day centers, or regional youth facilities.Programs or schools offered through school districts to meet students' choice and enrollment needs.Information and resources that define truancy and truancy penalties and other related information.Improving Academic Achievement
Includes Title I, Part A federal funds help to meet the educational needs of students in California schools; and Title I, Part D federal funds for supporting the operation of local educational agency programs that collaborate with locally operated correctional facilitiesComprehensive Support and ImprovementTargeted/Additional Support and ImprovementTitle I, Part D- Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Youth Who are Neglected, and Delinquent, or At-RiskInformation for parents and family members about becoming involved in the education of their children.Title I Part A Family Engagement - Information related to implementation of programs, activities, and procedures for the engagement of parents and family members of Title I students.Foster Youth Services Coordinating Program
California Department of Education program web page.Foster Youth in California Schools
Information, resources, and educational outcomes for foster youth students.California Department of Education program web page.
Program information for local educational agencies, Indian tribes and organizations, and other entities about meeting the unique academic, cultural, and linguistic needs of American Indian students.
California's system of support is one of the central components of California’s accountability and continuous improvement system. Part of the state's accountability system. Provides information on Lead Agencies, Multi-Tiered System of Support, Early Literacy Support Grant, Special Education Resource Leads, Community Engagement Initiative, Educator Workforce Investment Grant, and Statewide System of Support.
Guidance and resources for schools and families
General information on dyslexia and related California Department of Education (CDE) programs, projects, and resources.
Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Materials
Information on all subject areas taught at public schools.Resources and laws for driver education provided by public schools.
Health Services and School Nursing
Information and resources concerning meeting students' health-related needs at school.
Multi-Tiered System of Supports
A framework that aligns Response to Instruction and Intervention with the California State standards and the systems necessary to ensure academic, behavior, and social success.Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM)
Also includes STEAM which is Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math. Approaches for integrated instruction.Coordinated School Health and Safety Office
California Department of Education program web page.The program is funded and administered by the CDE. The WAI program provides comprehensive pre-employment skills training, employment placement and follow-up for high school students in special education who are making the transition from school to work, independent living, and postsecondary education or training. Program services are appropriate to individual student needs, abilities, and interests.
California Community Schools Partnership Program (CCSPP)
Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about California Community Schools Partnership ProgramSource: Item 17 on the SBE Agenda for November 2021School of Origin Transportation for Youth in Foster Care
Strategies and tips from the CA Foster Youth Education Task Force November 2021Mental Health
California Student Mental Health Implementation Guide
Supports local education agencies (LEAs) and county behavioral health departments (BHDs) as they seek to partner to deliver comprehensive, high-quality school mental health services. Guide includes helpful information, and a library of helpful resources.Clarifies existing CMS policy regarding Institutions for Mental Diseases (IMDs) and its potential for impact on Qualified Residential Treatment Programs (QRTPs) defined in title IV-E of the Social Security Act (the Act) as amended by Division E, Title VII Family First Prevention Services Act of the Balanced Budget Act of 2018 (BBA of 2018, Pub. L. 1115-123). CMS explains how states can provide Medicaid services to Medicaid-eligible children residing in these facilities.Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission
Commission web page hosts resources that are applicable to the provision of mental health services.Medi-Cal Specialty Mental Health Services
Department of Health Care Services program web page.California School Based Health Alliance
Resources and policy briefs for providing physical and mental health services through school-based health centers and clinics.LivingWorks Start Online Suicide Prevention Training
Online Suicide Prevention Training for middle and high school staff, and students. Participants will learn to recognize when a young person might be experiencing emotional distress or having thoughts of suicide, and teaches them how to connect them to professional help.Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) Training (Click on the "Training" tab)
YMHFA is a research-based curriculum created upon the medical first aid model. It is designed to provide parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, school staff, neighbors, and other caring adults with skills to help a school-age child or youth who may be experiencing emotional distress, the onset of a mental illness, addiction challenge or who may be in crisis.Resources for addressing mental health and wellness while school sites are closed.Project Cal-STOP is a violence prevention and mental health training program for students and staff in California schools.Redirecting Grief to Growth: A Trusted Space
This PBS Learning Media film and curriculum offer tools to mitigate the effects of grief, trauma, anxiety, and other emotional stressors affecting both students and teachers.School Mental Health 101: A Primer for Medi-Cal Managed Care Plans
National Center for Youth Law report to help facilitate conversations between MCPs, schools, and other partners in implementing the MCP incentive program component of the Children & Youth Behavioral Health Initiative and reaching school-age youth at scale to address the growing mental health crisisPhysical Health
California School Based Health Alliance
Resources and policy briefs for providing physical and mental health services through school based health centers and clinics.Probation
Dual-Status Youth Data Standards (AB 1911): 2017 Report to the Legislature
In response to a report by the California State Auditor, the Legislature directed the Judicial Council of California, through Assembly Bill 1911 (Eggman; Stats. 2016, ch. 637), to develop, report, and provide recommendations to facilitate and enhance comprehensive data and outcomes tracking for the state’s youth involved in both the child welfare system and thejuvenile justice system.Regional Center
Substance Abuse Disorder Services
Substance Use Disorder Treatment Services
Department of Health Care Services program web page.System of Care Research
Realizing One Integrated System of Care for Children
Policy brief identifies the steps necessary to realize an integrated system of care, reviews two current approaches, and makes recommendations—including specifying policy reforms that would promote interagency collaboration, integration, service delivery, and improved outcomes for California’s children, both with and without disabilities.California Social Work Education Center
Nation's largest statewide coalition of social work educators and practitionersResource Center for Family-Focused Practice
Web page that provides research, custom and standardized training, technical support, symposia and support services with the goal of integrating practice approaches to improve outcomes for children and families.Effective Strategies for Expanding the System of Care Approach
Outlines strategies for expanding and sustaining Children's Systems of Care.Contains strategies for improving the system of care and its effectiveness.Return on Investment in Systems of Care
Outlines the financial benefits to all partners and agencies when System of Care is effectively designed and delivered.Ideas at the Institute Learning Hub
Free System of Care online training from the University of Maryland School of Social Work Institute for Innovation and Implementation